October 21-25, 2024
1 room, 3 nights
1 golfer, 2 rounds of golf
Dress code for dinner will be business casual. We suggest a jacket for men (ties are not required) and slacks, skirts or dresses for ladies.
Course attire should be collared shirts with slacks or walking shorts, no blue jeans. Soft spikes are recommended but not required.
October weather at Pinehurst Resort is a high of 72 and low of 58, but can vary throughout the day.
Yes. Please go to https://www.pinehurst.com/golf/ for information
Yes; however, due to the schedule of our Leadership Open, there will be no time on Tuesday or Wednesday to play an extra round of golf. But, if you’d like to play early on another day, you are more than welcome to do so. Please go to https://www.pinehurst.com for more information. Any costs associated with this extra golf will be your responsibility.
Recreational activities abound at Pinehurst Resort and the surrounding area! Here are just a few:
Yes! for more information please visit: https://www.pinehurst.com/spa/
Please check the event schedule for included services. Anything outside of the schedule will be your responsibility.
For more information please visit: https://www.pinehurst.com/getting-around/#directions
Do you have more questions not listed above, if so, please contact Jody.Loussarian@maxwellleadership.org.
R.D. Saunders
Office Phone: 678.225.3314
© EQUIP Leadership, Inc. All Rights Reserved